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PictureRoyal Gold Teeth Grillz
Admit it or not, fashion is weird! Everything you see and wear are far beyond the conventional wearing these days. As a fashion designer, I want to commit this fact that, I have made so many weird designs that today are on high trend in the market!

People’s intelligence toward fashion is still a mystery, I can say, they still do not understand it better. For me, fashion has always been an art that I usually wish to portray it on my designs unless I realized that - the meaning of fashion has not been understood fully yet and it will likely never be!

One of the weird fashion trends is listed below for your brief knowledge. So please do have a look!

Teeth Grillz – Teeth Grillz are nothing but a row of gold teeth that snap into place over your own teeth. People use it like any other ornaments to make a style statement. However, this fashion trend was first introduced by hip-hop artists in the late 1980s, which today has become one of the sought after accessories that, even some celebrities seem to be using it. Most fashionable people are using 14k Gold Teeth Grillz or Grills to maintain their status.

Well, I must say, fashion is not subject of any particular thinking. So if this is what people consider it in high trend fashion, then there is nothing wrong with it at all!

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Yellow Gold & Silver Teeth Grillz